Element Objects

Elements are the toggles and such seen in the gui. Element objects are what is returned when creating an element with the newElement function. They provide functions to edit the values of themselves.

Remove Element

<nil> Destroy()

When used on an element object it will destroy the element object and the frame in the menu.

Edit Visibility

<nil> setVisible(<boolean> Element Visibility)

When used on an element object it will either hide or show in the menu.

Edit Toggle

<nil> setToggle(<boolean> Toggle State)

When used on an element object with a toggle it will set the toggle's value/state to either true or false.

Edit Dropdown

<nil> setSelected(<table> Selected Options)

When used on an element object with a dropdown it will set the dropdown's selected items. (ex): element_example:setSelected({"Yep!", "Hi"}).

Edit Slider

<nil> setValue(<integer> Slider Value)

When used on an element object with a slider it will set the value. (Note: this bypasses slider decimal caps.)

Edit Colorpicker

<nil> setColor(<color3> Color, <integer> Transparency)

When used on an element object with a colorpicker it will set the color and transparency.

Edit Keybind

<nil> setMethod(<integer> Method)
<nil> setActive(<boolean> Active)
<nil> setKey(<Enum.KeyCode> KeyCode)

When these are used on an element object with a keybind it will set the keybinds method, key and state respectively.

Edit Multibox

<nil> addOption(<string> Option)
<nil> removeOption(<string> Option)
<nil> removeAllOptions()

When these are used on an element object with a multibox it will add or remove options from its self, respectively.

Edit Textbox

<nil> setText(<string> Option)

When used on an element object with a textbox it will set the text.

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